Free-standing doublesided peel holder entirely in beechwood. For 2 wooden peels. Confers warmth to the environment and matches well with both modern and classic furnishings. Height: 170 cm.
<p>Naples-style peel handle support in stainless steel with marble base. Adjustable. It allows resting the handle during pizza cooking phase in deeper ovens, in classic Neapolitan style.</p>
<p><p>Pizza tray in beechwood certified for food use, confers warmth to the environment and matches well with both modern and classic furnishings. Dimensions 60x40 cm, with guides to cut the pizza into 8 pieces.</p></p>
<p>Kit of 3 feet in raw aluminium to be easily applied to the screens for pizza. They allow elevating the screen from the supporting base. Height 4 cm. Screen not included.</p>
<p><p>Pizza cutter roll stainless steel blade, plastic handle, certified for food use, blade dimensions 10 cm.</p></p>